Acupressure for headaches

Headache is a symptom that can be caused by many factors. It happens because of nervous tension, brain injury, diseases of the brain and spinal cord system, hormonal changes and acquired serious infections. The nature of pain can warn of a temporary malfunction of the body or signal the development of dangerous diseases.

The primary short-term pain, most people try to take painkillers, not forgetting the alternative medicines methods – traditional medicine, aromatherapy, reflexology, massage.

It is a massage of reflex points, can quickly and effectively reduce the pain in the head. It does not cause harm to the body, which represents the ingestion of chemicals, which is especially important for women during lactation and pregnancy. In the latter case, the technique of acupressure should be agreed with your doctor, because the effect of some points can cause premature birth.

How to massage

How to massage

Massage techniques to points (acupressure) is a type of reflexotherapy. Chiropractor performs the massage or pressure is applied to reflex points using the fingers. As a result, aktiviziruyutsya neuroreceptors are located in the subcutaneous tissues throughout the body, and there is a pulse, which sends information to the brain. Reaction to a stimulus, in this case, the headache is to reduce the pain or the complete disappearance.

The human body is not less than 750 studied active points, responsible for the functioning of the whole organism. 17 major reflex points can affect pain syndromes of the head, while removing pain and tension and migraine attacks.

Places can not be determined visually. Microscopic examination they look like, where a large number of neurons. The characteristic signs by which they can be detected are the reference values of the parts of the body and their own feelings. When exposed to the active stage, the person may feel the following:

  • a feeling of local pain or lumbago;
  • spread the warmth;
  • numbness around the point;
  • the emergence of the so-called "chills";
  • I feel like the weak pulse of electricity flow.

To find the corresponding reflex points and relieve the primary pain in the head independently, relying on the described sensations. But if the pain becomes persistent, and is accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor to determine the cause of its manifestation.

Points on head for headaches, swelling of the face and temples

The points on the head headaches

The head is 8 high to the reflex points, massage, which leads to a decrease in headaches.

  1. The point is located above the nose area the "third eye", rubbed in a circular motion in both directions.
  2. A symmetrical point which is located on the inner edge of the eyebrows. You need to find a small depression of the skull bones and in the same circular motion to massage it on both sides.
  3. The point is located symmetrically above the upper edge of the end of the eyebrow.
  4. A symmetrical point, which is located in a small recess at the beginning of the helix of the ear. The effect is a little bit of pressure.
  5. In point, symmetrically on the scalp above the upper edge of the ear, rub in a circular motion. To find it, you need the index finger to put a point located at the beginning of the curl the ear, finger ring to set the point, which is located above the outer edge of the eyebrow, while the middle finger is the desired reflex area.
  6. Point located in the recess below the occiput. Massaged in a circular motion without much pressure.
  7. Symmetrical points located at the site of attachment of the neck muscles of the skull. Rubbing lightly, when it is exposed to the patient may experience painful or unpleasant sensations.
  8. Points on head for headaches, neck and top of the
  9. A sensitive point is located on top. To rename it, you need the index finger to position the ears and hold them to the top of the head through the temporal mounds. The desired point is in the middle of the head, with the index finger. The massage is performed in a circular motion and lightly.

Points for headaches on hand

Remove the headaches, you can use 3 massage of the reflex points, located symmetrically in the hands. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to operate the points with both hands, massaging them alternately.

  1. The point is the intersection of the thumb and index finger. Need to push a small depression in this area: the outer side of the palm to position the thumb of the other hand, with the internal address. After the pain, the fingers should be sharply unclench. The effect of this point is forbidden for pregnant women because it can cause premature labor.
  2. Point is located in the cleavage of the two bones of the forearm: the radius and ulna. To find it you need to pull the crease of the wrist distance, which is the width of the three transverse fingers.
  3. The point is the crook of the elbow. Hand bend at the elbow and rubbed the edge of the folds from the outside.
  4. Points on hand for headaches

Points for headaches on feet

Basic reflex points, the effect, which also allows you to remove the pain in the head, symmetrically placed at the foot. Massage them at the same time, in a circular motion, or pressure, the patient should sit in a comfortable position.

  1. Point is located on the second finger 2 mm height from the base of the nail.
  2. Point is at the base of the fifth finger in the small recess on the outer side.
  3. The point is located between the fifth and fourth fingers. Found it, should be the base of the fingers to measure the distance, which is one of the transverse finger.
  4. The point is a 3 mm height from the base of the nail of the first finger and slightly pulled off to the side of the second finger.
  5. The point is marked on the outside of the foot between the second and first finger, before the bottom two cross fingers.
  6. Point located on the side of the inner side of the foot closer to the Shin area of the highest point of the arch. Massage, you need to find a small indentation.


Despite the effectiveness of acupressure for acute pain syndromes, is a disease and the condition of the patient, in which he categorically denied. The main testimony against his appointment are:

Foot headaches
  • Tumors irrespective of localization and Genesis.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases (peptic ulcer disease of the digestive organs, tuberculosis).
  • Infectious and viral diseases accompanied by fever.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels after a heart attack and stroke.
  • A serious disease of the internal organs, resulting in a decline in their activity.
  • Mental disorders in the acute stage.
  • Acute pain of unclear nature and origin.
  • Age criteria: less than 1 year, and people over the age of 70 years.
  • The second half of pregnancy (during this time, the acupressure can cause premature labour).
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • The menstrual cycle in women.
  • Alcoholic beverages intoxication.
  • Exhaustion caused by heavy physical exertion.
  • Dependence on weather conditions (not recommended to perform the massage of the active points to a sharp change in atmospheric pressure).

During the course of treatment acupressure, is necessary to limit the number of foods and perform certain procedures. It is not recommended to take a hot tub and sauna, and eat spicy foods, strong tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.

Compliance with all labelling, the provisions of the experts and the techniques of massage to help reduce pain of the most important concerns in mind. If the impact point is not to relieve or aggravate it, then you need to contact the experts and ask cause distracting pain in the head.